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Art 212

Art 212: Text

Digital Studio Mini Portfolio

1D: understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space and of the fourth dimension, time.2D: collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

Art 212: Text
Art 212: Work

Description: These art pieces were created during the COVID-19 pandemic with Adobe Suite software such as Photoshop and Illustrator. These projects were created in order to develop familiarity with the digital art software.

Rationale: Familiarizing myself with digital art software such as the commonly used Photoshop and Illustrator is important. Developing such skills will allow me to effectively teach my students how to utilize these programs. Because of the increased use of technology due to the pandemic, I realized just how important digital art is in the era that I live in.

Evidence: Please refer to the images above.

Art 212: Text

Lesson Plan and Support Materials

5B)  understands principles and techniques, along with advantages and limitations, associated with a wide range of evidence-based instructional practices;
5C)  knows how to implement effective differentiated instruction through the use of a wide variety of materials, technologies, and resources;
5D)  understands disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional approaches and how they relate to life and career experiences

Art 212: Text

Description: This is a 7th grade lesson that is planned for 3 days. For this lesson, students will utilize Adobe Photoshop to combine 2 images of everyday objects to create at least three 5x7 images of dysfunctional objects.

Rationale: During the lesson, students will be able to utilize Adobe Photoshop to create images found on the internet to create images of dysfunctional objects. Students will be introduced to various diverse digital artists. Because this lesson was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, students will be introduced to various digital platforms such as Padlet to display their artworks for critiques.


Art 212: Text

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