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Art 201

Art 201: Text


2B) Understands major concepts, assumptions, debates, and principles; processes of inquiry; and theories that are central to the disciplines.

Art 201: Text

Teach Anything Video

Description: The purpose of this assignment was to teach anything besides art through video presentation. I chose to teach viewers how to use chopsticks. I prepare different foods that varied in sizes and shapes. I taught a few techniques on how to pick up the food depending on the size and shape.


Rationale: As we have to attend most classes virtually due to COVID-19, teaching through online platforms is an essential skill for a teacher. Creating quality presentations is important. This was my first time making a teaching video and it served as practice for filming a video presentation.

Art 201: Welcome

Interview & Reflection

Description: I interviewed my sister who is an early childhood teacher. She and I discussed the art lessons that were taught to us in elementary school. We discussed topics such as how our elementary school failed to facilitate creativity. We both have had our art were only good enough to be hung up on the fridge for a short time and then thrown away.


Rationale: One of the artworks is from a drawing class I took in community college. It is a still life of bottles drawn with pastels. The other 2 artworks were drawn from my own interests. The one in the middle represents the strictness and lack of creativity in the classroom. The other 2 artworks represents the art that I want to make and my preferences. I hung these 3 artworks on the fridge with a trash can underneath as a response to my interview with my sister. The message is how "basic" art and "anime" art is considered trash and are only good enough for the fridge. 

Art 201: Welcome


Description: The idea of this assignment was to perform a daily ritual and/or start a collection. I collected receipts as I like to keep track of my spending. As a broke college student, I need to be mindful of what I spend money on. 


Rationale: I have collected a considerable amount of receipts. I realized that receipts were just paper with some ink imprinted on it. So I folded and crushed a few receipts in my fist. I then arranged the receipts into a flower and grass. Items that are usually thrown away can be used for art. Recognizing different resources is an important skill for a teacher.

Art 201: Welcome
Art 201: Image

Artist Research

2I) Evaluates teaching resources and materials for appropriateness as related to curricular content and each student’s needs.

Art 201: Text

David C. Roy

Description: I chose research the artist David C. Roy because of his kinetic wooden sculptures. He originally attended university for engineering, but he became bored of his first job out of college. His wife's art project back in college intrigued him as it incorporated both engineering and art into one art piece. His sculptures are beautiful and complicated. Every piece is mesmerizing and hypnotic as each piece moves in a unique way.


Rationale: Researching artists is an essential skill as they can be used as inspiration for a lesson. Diverse artists are important for lesson plans as they serve as references and foundation for students.



Art 201: Text

Elementary Lesson Plan

2K) Engages students in the processes of critical thinking and inquiry and addresses standards of evidence of the disciplines.

3B) Understands how to develop short- and long-range plans, including transition plans, consistent with curriculum goals, student diversity, and learning theory.

7B) Understands that assessment is a means of evaluating how students learn and what they know and are able to do in order to meet the Illinois Learning Standards.

Art 201: Text


Description: This is a grade 3-5 lesson that spans over 2 days. This lesson incorporates anatomy and ecology as students are taught about bird anatomy and their habitats. Students use materials such as feathers and leaves to create multiple textures of a bird's body. Watercolours are used to paint a habitat of their choosing.


Rationale: Creating a lesson plan provides me with writing experience. Developing a working lesson plan that incorporates multiple disciplines and promotes creativity is an essential skill for an art teacher.


Lesson Plan.docx

Art 201: Text

Clinical Observation

7A: Understands child development and the psychological principles of learning and how they apply to visual arts education.

Art 201: Text

Teacher: Karen Brinker
Teaches grades: K-2
School: Irving Elementary School

Description: Due to COVID-19, I had to complete my clinical hours virtually. It consisted of watching ATLAS videos and collaborating with elementary school teachers. I worked with a few of my fellow classmates to create a 3rd grade activity plan for a class at Thomas Metcalf School. A classmate and I collaborated with Ms. Brinker, a visual arts teacher at Irving Elementary School. 


Rationale: Collaborating with a classmate to create a lesson plan allows me to practice working and communicating with people. Collaborating with a teacher provides me with practice in writing lesson plans. Receiving constructive comments from Ms. Brinker drives me to improving my writing.


Activity Plans

Teacher Collaboration PowerPoint

Art 201: Text


7G: Understands the need for continuing study, self-evaluation, and professional growth.

Art 201: Text

Visiting Artist: Ann Toebbe

Description: I attended Ann Toebbe's lecture on ZOOM. Her lecture was a part of the ISU Wonsook Kim School of Art’s Visiting Artist Lecture Series. She is a self-taught painter who focuses on interior design. Toebbe uses oil paint, acrylic paint, and collage. She used to paint from memory, but presently, she mainly uses photographs as references.


Rationale: Listening to Toebbe speaking about the difficulties of being a self-taught painter comforted be. Her art is beautiful and personal as she paints the homes of people she knows or her family knows. Despite her artworks consisting mostly inanimate objects, every object is strategically weaved into the painting. During Toebbe's lecture, I realized just how much a person's home reveal about themselves.



Art 201: Text

Visiting Artist: Kellie Romany

Description: I attended Kellie Romany's lecture on ZOOM. Her lecture was a part of the ISU Wonsook Kim School of Art’s Visiting Artist Lecture Series. Romany is an abstract artist that works in oil painting. Her art deals with race and gender. Romany's sister, who is a scientist, showed her pathology slides. Romany's art is influenced by the pathology slides, which is why she describes her art as "cells" or "egg-like".


Rationale: I admire Romany for her incorporation of science and art and that her abstract art deals with issues of race and gender. She titles her artworks with either entire poems or quotes, which provides context and beautiful visual text. I want to encourage my students to incorporate their beliefs and opinions into their artwork.



Art 201: Text


7N: Advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities.

Art 201: Text

Annual Art Education Showcase

Description: My piece that was showcased is titled: "Strand". 3 sections are printed pieces from various magazine sections. I used micron pens to connect the 3 sections in order to create a synchronous art piece. 


Rationale: Because of COVID-19, this year's Annual Art Education Showcase took place online. Through this submission, I was able to discover artworks created by other Art Education students at ISU. I was able to participate because I am in The National Art Education Association Student Chapter of ISU (NAEA). Through NAEA, I was able to be a part of the community and interact with other Art Education students. NAEA gave me opportunities to engage in the art teacher community such as the IAEA Conference.


Art 201: Text
Art 201: Image

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